Từ khóa tìm kiếm: rose garden residences hotel and apartments

Rose Garden Residences Hotel and Apartments

170 P. Ngọc Khánh, Giảng Võ, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Hình ảnh Rose Garden Residences Hotel and Apartments Bảng giá Rose Garden Residences Hotel and Apartments Nội thât Rose Garden Residences Hotel and Apartments Ngoại thât Rose Garden Residences Hotel and Apartments Chất lượng Rose Garden Residences Hotel and Apartments Cảnh quan Rose Garden Residences Hotel and Apartments Vị trí Rose Garden Residences Hotel and Apartments Phòng ốc Rose Garden Residences Hotel and Apartments Vệ sinh Rose Garden Residences Hotel and Apartments Hình ảnh Rose Garden Residences Hotel and Apartments
Nguồn Google map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/?q=place_id:ChIJb5qVUHCrNTERI1Ts05MaBok

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